Dice & D-Pads covers everything in gaming — from video games to board games and anything in between. The publication was founded in 2019 by a group of gaming enthusiasts based in the Philippines, each with their own fancy gaming interests and hobbies. We aim to be a top provider of fun, engaging, and relevant content to our viewer base as well as a centerpiece where gamers can gather and discuss anything gaming.


To be an internationally known and reputable center where gamers and non-gamers can gather, get together, be informed, and be educated about anything and everything gaming related.


To provide entertaining, relevant, and educational content like news, reviews, guides, and videos with a strong emphasis on integrity, quality, and honesty. This includes digestible information that non and aspiring gamers can easily understand and catch up on. As well as an avenue where anyone, gamer and non-gamer alike, can share, post, and provide information about anything gaming.